Geodesic deviation in field space: flattened non-gaussianities and PBH

Aula 507 (Pere Pascual, ICC building, UAB Campus)
Geodesic deviation in field space: flattened non-gaussianities and PBH
Several recent proposals to embed inflation into high-energy physics rely on inflationary dynamics characterized by a strongly non-geodesic motion. This in turn relaxes the conditions of slow-roll to allow for potentials that are steep in Planck units, a welcome feature in view of the eta problem and the recently much discussed swampland conjectures.

In this talk I will present a general framework to study non-Gaussianities in the presence of non-geodesic trajectories in field space. I will then highlight how non-geodesic motion in field space naturally leads to “hyper-non-Gaussianities”, i.e. the bispectrum and all higher-order correlation functions are hierarchically enhanced for particular flattened configurations.

Towards the end I will discuss how a similar mechanism can induce a significant enhancement of the power spectrum on small scales providing an interesting new possibility to generate primordial black holes.

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