ICCUB Course: Overview of Astrophysical Gas Dynamics and Numerical Simulations

ICCUB Course: Overview of Astrophysical Gas Dynamics and Numerical Simulations
From March 20th to March 21st, the Institute of Cosmos Sciences holds the course "Overview of Astrophysical Gas Dynamics and Numerical Simulations" by Nick Gnedin from University of Chicago and Fermilab.

The course will take place at DAM seminar room (724) at the 7th floor of Physics faculty of the University of Barcelona.

This mini-course will give a brief overview of current simulations of astrophysical gas dynamics, with the heavy focus towards galaxy and star formation. It will start with a general overview of computational gas dynamics and its basic concepts, such as characteristic, the CFL condition, and Riemann solvers.

The second lecture will introduce existing numerical methods and codes used in many astrophysical applications, and will present comparisons between the methods and their respective advantages and limitations. In the final lecture several typical applications will be reviewed and some of the recent success stories highlighted.


  • The course will consist of three lectures of 1 hour each, with plenty of time for discussion and questions.
  • All lectures will be delivered at the ICC-UB, Seminar Room 724.

Lecture 1: Basic Introduction of Computational Gas Dynamics (March 20th, 10:00)
Lecture 2: Numerical Methods and Existing Codes (March 20th, 12:00)
Lecture 3: Examples of Modern Applications (March 21st, 11:00)

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