Presentation event of Aerospace PERTE to promote the sector’s industry

2023-01-17 16:30:00
Presentation event of Aerospace PERTE to promote the sector's industry
This Thursday 19 January, all companies in the DCA-NewSpace community are invited to the presentation of the Aerospace PERTE at an event organised by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya – IEEC), in collaboration with the DCA-NewSpace.

In March 2022, the Spanish Government approved the Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation (PERTE, Proyecto Estratégico para la Recuperación y la Transformación Económica) of the aerospace sector. This project is intended to promote the Spanish aerospace industry, with the aim of making it a key player in the face of the challenges and opportunities associated with the major changes foreseen in the sector. The Aerospace PERTE is distributed in different pillars, and contains actions in the space and aeronautical sectors, as well as in a cross-cutting area of both sectors. The project plans a public investment of EUR 2.193 million, with a total of EUR 4.533 million to be mobilised.

The commissioner for the Aerospace PERTE, Miguel Belló Mora, will present the pillars of the project and the state of the different actions planned in an event organised by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the IEEC.

In order to attend, prior registration is required and the invitation will be confirmed via email (limited places).


10:30 h – Institutional welcome, by Mrs Gina Tost, Secretary of Digital Policy of the Government of Catalonia
10:35 h – Space sector in Catalonia, by Mr Ignasi Ribas, Director of the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC)
10:40 h – Presentation of the PERTE Aeroespecial, by Mr Miguel Belló, PERTE Aeroespacial Commissioner
11:45 h – Networking
12:30 h – End of the session

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