Presentation of the NewSpace strategy for Catalonia

2020-10-27 15:35:00
Presentation of the NewSpace strategy for Catalonia
A trend for change in the space sector has been confirmed in the last few years. Particularly important is the impending exponential growth of the so-called New Space, which is bound to facilitate access to space not only for scientific activities but also for new market applications in telecommunications and general data products.

This «democratization» of the exploitation of space as a platform will certainly bring a revolution to space research and, furthermore, to our everyday life. In this rapidly-evolving context, time is ripe for a push that can boost the potential of the sector in Catalonia.

In this context, the Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya) has approved the NewSpace Strategy for Catalonia that will be presented next Wednesday, 28 October 2020, being entirely online and live streamed. The Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC — Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya) has significantly contributed to the definition of the strategic plan. The IEEC director, professor Ignasi Ribas, will participate in a round table that will take place during the public presentation of the plan.

As it is explained by the Ministry for Digital Policy and Public Administration, the NewSpace Strategy of Catalonia will deploy a programme of specific actions to strengthen the ecosystem of the Catalan NewSpace and, thus, lead the generation of knowledge, social and business applications, and the creation of new solutions based on data from new technologies in this area. Generalitat de Catalunya’s ultimate goal is to promote economic growth and improve people's lives. This commitment promoted by the NewSpace sector includes initiatives such as the development of a new market and a new technology fabric that has a tractor effect and brings together other technologies, including 3D printing, artificial intelligence, advanced electronics for sensors and computers and new generation mobile communications (Internet of Things, IoT, and 5G).

The presentation can be followed live on the Youtube channel of the Government of Catalonia's Digital Policies and Public Administration, starting at 4 pm. You will find the event agenda here

For more information, see the NewSpace Strategy for Catalonia official website.

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