STARS workshop: space mission and ground-based observatory planning and scheduling projects






STARS Workshop

The Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) organizes, together with the Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC) and the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the Universitat de Barcelona (ICCUB), a workshop focused on the STARS (Scheduling Telescopes as Autonomous Robotic Systems) software package. The event will take place on 30 October, 31 October and 2 November at the ICE facilities (Alberto Lobo Room S1-01 and Workshop Room L3-01, ICE Building, UAB Campus).

The first day of the workshop—30 October—will start with an introduction to the STARS package. During this presentation, a member of each of the projects which are part of STARS (ARIEL, PLATO, CTA, and Montsec Observatory) will explain the general idea of the project and its scientific objectives.

During this first session, the aim is to give visibility to the work carried out by the IEEC, the ICE and the ICCUB in planning and scheduling projects for space missions and ground-based observatories. Therefore, other research groups and people interested in the subject are welcome to attend.

The rest of the sessions —31 October and 2 November —have a more technical profile and will be oriented towards the discussion of technical aspects of the code by the developers of the STARS group, as well as the performance of practical exercises.

Among the speakers who will join the workshop agenda will be Néstor Campos (IEEC), Nariman Nakhjiri (IEEC), Juan Carlos Morales (IEEC), Julien Poyatos (ICCUB-IEEC), Ramon Vallés (ICE-IEEC), and David Baroch (IEEC).

Based on AI algorithms and already successfully applied in several terrestrial and space observatories, the STARS software aims to optimise coordinated multi-observatory scheduling while reducing operational costs in a scientific environment characterized by increasingly sophisticated observation strategies.

For more information or registrations, email

Organitzat per:
  • IEEC


The aim of the workshop is to make visible the work carried out by IEEC, ICCUB and ICE in the field of planning and programming projects for space missions and ground-based observatories, as well as the discussion of technical aspects of the code among the STARS group developers.

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