The Festival of science, an opportunity to bring research to all audiences

2016-06-20 00:00:00
The Festival of science, an opportunity to bring research to all audiences
More than 14,000 people visited this weekend the Festival of Science, innovation and technology which was held in the Ciutadella Park in Barcelona. There they found workshops to extract their own DNA or telescopes to observe the sun safely.

The Festival included the most diverse scientific topics going from robotics to biomedicine, astronomy, chemistry or mathematics, with over one hundred activities scheduled. Neither the torrential rain that fell on Saturday afternoon stopped scientists outlining their research fields in the space for microtalks. There, astronomy played a leading role thanks to IEEC researchers.


At noon, the researcher of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences (IEEC-UB) Mercedes Romero Gómez explained his work in the Gaia space mission that aims to make the 3D map more accurate picture of our galaxy, capturing the light of more than one billion of stars. And shortly after the storm, researcher at the Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC-CISC) Nanda Rea explained the various types of explosions occurring in the Universe and how we detect and study them from Earth. Finally, the researcher ICCUB (IEEC-UB) Jordi Miralda devoted his talk to gravitational waves and as its detection by LIGO has opened the door to a new astronomy.

This year marked the tenth edition of the Festival of Science, innovation and technology organized, organized by the City of Barcelona

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