“The many faces of compact stars”: Barcelona School 2014

Residència d'Investigadors CSIC - C/ Hospital, 64 (8001) - Barcelona - Spain
In this school, we want to give a broad overview of all the possible manifestations of compact objects in different astrophysical scenarios.

For this purpose, a large list of topics will be addressed by renowned international experts: accretion theory, binaries, neutron stars thermal emission, equation of states, microquasar jets, neutron star cooling, radio-pulsars, magnetospheres, compact stars as gravitational wave sources, GRBs, Supernovae and their environments, etc…

Announcement working group 1 meeting
The first NewCompstar working group meeting for WG1 (Astrophysics), will take place in Barcelona, on Tuesday September 23rd, in coincidence with the school. The aim of these meetings is to get started with the possible collaborations within the network. In this first meeting, the main topic will be “The origin of magnetars and the SN/GRB/magnetar connection”.

The format will consist of short presentations by topic leaders followed by informal discussion sessions and, eventually, with short presentations connected to the discussion by other attendants. The meeting is open to all members of the newcompstar community, but unlike the major events, these one-day meetings have allocated a very limited funding, so that only topic leaders and a few key participants may be supported. To register, simply send an email before July 15th to jose.pons@ua.es.

School Lecturers: Roberto Turolla (Universita’ di Padova, Italy), “Thermal emission and radiative processes in Isolated neutron stars” Dimitry Yakovlev (Ioffe Institute, Russia), “Neutron star cooling as a probe of fundamental physics” Emma de Oña-Wilhelmi (CISC-IEEC, Spain), “Supernova Remnants and Pulsar Wind Nebulae” Davide Lazzati (Oregon State University, USA), “Physics of Gamma-Ray Bursts and their connection with Supernovae” Jason Hessels (ASTRON/U. Amsterdam, The Netherlands), “Radiopulsar timing and PTA” Valeria Ferrari (Universita’ di Roma La Sapienza, Italy), ” Gravitational waves from compact stars” Julien Malzac (IRAP-CNRS, France), “Accreting binary systems with compact stars” Rob Fender (Oxford University, UK), “”Microquasars and jets”” Micaela Oertel (Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France), “The high density Equation of State for neutron stars and Supernovae”

The venue of the school will be the “residència d’investigadors” (part of CSIC institute), in the heart of Barcelona, only a few minutes walk to most touristic areas (Ramblas, Plaza de Catalunya). The school is limited to about 50 participants, and it is open to PhD students and young post-docs worldwide. There is no registration fee, and the NewCompStar action might partially cover travel and lodging expenses for most of the European participants. Further details on the School program, accommodation, and travel logistics will be posted soon in this webpage.

Registration deadline: JUNE 15, 2014

To register please send an email with a brief CV (maximum 2 pages) and the form below to: bcn.compstar.school2014@gmail.com

The school is organized by: NewCompStar (MP1304) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) José Pons (Alicante) Nanda Rea (Barcelona/Amsterdam) Arnau Rios (Surrey) Isaac Vidana (Coimbra) Diego F. Torres (Barcelona) Laura Tolos (Barcelona) Daniele Viganò (Barcelona) Alessandro Papitto (Barcelona) Jian Li (Barcelona)

More information

Contact email: Nanda Rea “rea(a)ieec.uab.es” and/or José Pons “jose.pons(a)ua.es”

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