ICCUB COURSE – Course on “Numerical Relativity” [NOT TRANSLATED]

Room 507 (Pere Pascual), 5th floor
ICCUB COURSE – Course on “Numerical Relativity”
Topics Covered, Preliminary Course Outline:

  1. Theoretical foundations of NumRel for time evolution problems (taking BH binaries as example). This will be the major part and includes:
    1. 3+1 formulation,
    2. initial data problem,
    3. hyperbolicity and well-posed Cauchy formulations of Einstein's equations,
    4. wave extraction and apparent horizons
  2. Basic numerical methods
  3. Hands-on:
    1. introduction to xtensor; see http://xact.es/
    2. introduction to the open-source Einstein Toolkit; see http://einsteintoolkit.org/

Dates: 11-15 December

  • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: from 11:00 – 12:50
  • Thursday: 15:30 – 17:30
  • Friday: from 10:30 – 12:00 and 14:30 – 17:30

Contact email: hwitek(a)icc.ub.edu [NOT TRANSLATED]

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