Success of the third season of OAdM visits [NOT TRANSLATED]

2018-09-19 00:00:00

More than 150 people attended the guided tours

The Montsec Astronomical Observatory (OAdM), El Observatori Astronòmic del Montsec (OAdM) inauguró el pasado 20 de mayo la tercera temporada de visitas guiadas, que se han repetido en cinco domingos durante los meses de verano. Todos los turnos de visitas se llenaron en pocos días después de abrirse las inscripciones.

Each of the guided tours has been attended by about 30 people from all over Catalonia. During the tours, lasting one hour and carried out during the day, we could visit the Joan Oró telescope, the Fabra-ROA Montsec telescope and the XO-Montsec, and the attendees have been able to know how they work and what types of research is carried out at the OAdM, thanks to the explanations given by the OAdM astronomers. [NOT TRANSLATED]

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