Installation of the XO unit at the OAdM

Installation of the XO unit at the OAdM 2012-11-27 00:00:00 XO-OAdM During this week, the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) (Baltimore, USA), which controls and manages the operations of the Hubble Space Telescope, will be installing the instrument XO at the...
Antartic wonders fallen from the sky

Antartic wonders fallen from the sky

Antartic wonders fallen from the sky 2012-11-16 00:00:00 Ref: El País – Article in SpanishJOSEP MARÍA TRIGO13 NOV 2012 – 12:31 CET3Las regiones polares, particularmente la todavía preservada Antártida, son muy favorables para la recuperación de los meteoritos más...