Water rockets launch at the school Font d’en Fargas

Water rockets launch at the school Font d’en Fargas

Water rockets launch at the school Font d’en Fargas 2014-10-29 00:00:00 On 21st October 2014, 6th grade students from the school Font d’en Fargas had the opportunity to build with their own hands water rockets customized by themselves and make them fly. The activity,...
Hi ha algú allà a fora? [NOT TRANSLATED]

Hi ha algú allà a fora? [NOT TRANSLATED]

Hi ha algú allà a fora? [NOT TRANSLATED] Buscant vida més enllà del Sistema Solar Aforament limitat! A càrrec del Dr.Ignasi Ribas, de l' Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya. Ja hem arribat a la xifra especial de més de 1000...

Recent Progress in Large-Scale Structure

Recent Progress in Large-Scale Structure I will discuss recent progress in the understanding of how to model galaxy clustering. While recent analyses have focussed on the baryon acoustic oscillations as a probe of cosmology, galaxy redshift surveys contain a lot more...